Well, it's that time again. Summer is over and school has begun. We are trying something a little different this year. My little man went off on the school bus to kindergarten. I was nervous, but I didn't cry. Then a few hours later, the wee girl got on the bus to go off to preschool. She gets to go in the afternoon this year. The day passed quickly, and soon enough they were hopping off the bus and ready to play. the thing that is different? I am home to put them on the bus and get them off the bus and I will be homeschooling Amanda. Last year was a disaster for her. Academically, socially, emotionally. So I followed the prompting I felt in my heart and I left my job. Crazy I know. I have applied (again) for a home day care license and will take a few kids during the day. I have also started some online research for a business I am interested in. I am also completing my bachelors degree and renewing my foster care license. So far, three days in it is going well. I got Amanda's curriculum today and can't wait to dig into that. Until then, I am painting Ben's room and getting the house set up. Crazy, different, but good.