Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I know I am a bit late in posting, but as usual in my life, I have too much to do.  I am 6 months away from finishing my degree (after 27 years!) and homework is heavy.  I am such a procrastinator that I spend most late nights and weekends just playing catch up.  Halloween was fun for the kids.  We went to a party on Friday night before and on the 31st, we made a quick trip around the block and were done.  I am not very excited about Halloween.  It is just too much effort for me and I hate having all that candy in the house. The kids are whinier and so am I.  Good thing it only comes once a year, right?!
I am still at home, waiting for my home daycare license to arrive so I can open for business.  I plan on running my daycare for the next two years while homeschooling Amanda, finishing my degree and being home after school and holidays with Ben and Caitlyn.  I am still a foster parent, but have not had a placement in so long and now Catholic Charities may be getting out of the foster care business. (long story involving the my dumb state)  I want to keep a few spaces open because I would like to be a foster parent for a few more years.
that sums it up for this month.  I am looking forward to the upcoming holidays and making memories with my kids and being so lucky in this season to be home with them. 

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